Monday 7 December 2020

How to Earn the Most Spree! Mall Credits

Tips for Playing Spree! & Earning Mall Credits



Tip #1: When playing spree, always take the longest path to get to the mall. That way, you will have more opportunities to land on credit card spaces and earn mall credits before you get there.

Tip #2: Play the Stop Sign game slowly. I find that if I go fast I almost always lose, but if I go slowly and carefully I can win. 

Tip #3: If you collect all the shopping bags, collect the prize right away. If you continue to roll and land on a shopping bag space, you won't earn the shopping bag credit if you already have it.

Tip #4: Gold credit card spaces give you the most mall credits and Bronze credit card spaces give you the least.

Tip #5: You don't have to spend your mall credits if you don't want to. If you are saving up for a big item, save your credits. They will carry over to the next game.

Tip #6: If you have the option between a credit card space and another space, always choose the credit card space (even if it is bronze).

Tip #7: The pink shopping bag is usually the hardest to earn, so if you have the opportunity to land on it, do.

Tip #8: The prizes change occasionally, so if you don't see one you want, save your mall credits.

Tip #9: It is not worth it to purchase bonus rolls with E-Store points.  There are plenty of click-to-win events that award free rolls. You can also get free rolls at Today's Activities.

Spree! Mall Prizes


I hope this helps! Spree is mostly a game of chance, but these tips can help you earn the most credits! Good luck!


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