Thursday 24 October 2019

How To Win A Quick Event In The Webkinz Stadium

How To Win A Webkinz Quick Event
Quick Events are one of the best/fastest ways to earn kinzcash.  Once I enter my pet in a quick event, I go on another website until it is over, enter my pet in the next quick event, and repeat. You can earn SO MUCH kinzcash doing this. Today I earned over 25,000 kc doing this while watching Netflix/Youtube.  I also enter my pet in Quick Events while I'm writing posts for this blog!

1st place: 250 kc prize money, Gold Medal worth 300 kc - Total: 550 kc
2nd place: 100 kc prize money, Silver Medal worth 200 kc - Total: 300 kc
3rd place: 50 kc prize money, Bronze Medal worth 150 kc - Total: 200 kc

Once your pet is level 8+ in all 3 subjects in an event, start entering them in Quick Events. If you want to place in a Quick Event, it should say "Fleet Footed Favourite" or "Speedy Sprinter" underneath the subject when you select the Running Quick Event, for example.

My favourite events are the Running and Cooking events, as my pet is level 10 on most of those subjects. However, I don't like doing the styling class because I find it boring so Shep is only level 6 in that which is why I don't enter him in beauty pageants.

Quick Events are boring if you watch them, but what is great about them is that you can just do something else while they are going on! You practically earn kinzcash just for clicking the screen a few times!

I hope this helps you earn lots of kinzcash! Good luck in your Quick Events!

Love, Pippa xoxo


  1. I think my turtle, Mortimer, might have raced you a few times.

  2. Does your turtle wear the golden winged helmet/shoes?
